2022年新年开始之际,Elite Stage作为招商代表,应邀参加中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区国际人才创新创业推介会。
2022 China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Lin-gang Special Area International Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Conference.
an important base for gathering domestic and overseas talent 超辻carrying out international innovation and coordination.Lin-gang New area began to establish a number of top-tier enterprises specialized in new energy equipment, ocean engineering, intelligent manufacturing, biological medicine & artificial intelligence and attracted a group of domestic and overseas leading enterprises . Those industrial bases play big roles of promoting special economic function in Lin-gang new area.
2022 China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Lin-gang Special Area International Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Conference aims to further foster talents gathering, and attract global talents coming to Shanghai and starting business 
Through the conference, the related polices
临港新片区留学人员创业园更是提供创业运营、人才服务、科技加速、金融财税等四大方面的支持。经过项目评估,可享受最大100平方、最长3年的房租、水、电、网费全免政策。 more convenient immigration policies for expats such as exit and entry, residence permit and work permit etc; 15%personal income tax differential subsidy.

会后的答疑和互动环节,与会嘉宾积极参与,展示出极大的兴趣和热情。 4 main supports:Entrepreneurship operationTalent serviceTechnology accelerationFinancial and taxationFree water, electricity, internet fees and a discount for renting of up to 100 square meters, up to 3 years, after evaluation.
In the Q&A and interactive session after the meeting, the guests actively participated and showed great interest and enthusiasm.
作为临港新片区招商合作伙伴,Elite Stage积极参与、大力推广并诚挚邀请众多外籍人士参加。不少外籍人士表示,通过此次推介会了解到更多优惠政策,对未来在沪发展更具信心。 investment attraction partner of Lin-gang New Area, Elite Stage actively participates, vigorously promotes and sincerely invites many international friends. Many said that they learned more preferential policies through this promotion conference and were more confident in their future development in Shanghai.