
Manufacturing and service industries
今年早前,新加坡人力部官网宣布最新重磅政策!人力部COE(更换雇主计划)三个重点⬇ allow manufacturing and service industry companies to hire existing work permit holders in their industry, and work permit holders to change jobs within 40 to 21 days (inclusive) of their wp permit validity, without the consent of the current employer.This program will be implemented permanently without any set deadline.
1重点一:制造业、服务业 and Processing Industry

2022年7月1日开始,人力部将实施 COE(更换雇主)计划,制造业和服务业公司可以雇佣本行业现有工作许可证持有者,工作准证持有者,在其wp准证有效期40天到21天(含)之内更换工作,不需要现任雇主的同意。 within 21-40 days before the expiration of the previous permit to   after the expiration of the permit, effective November 8, 2021. This policy will cease on June 30, 2022.Effective July 1, 2022, the deadline for changing jobs in the construction, marine, and processing industries without employer consent will revert to 21-40 days 

这项计划将永久实施,不设置任何期限。will be eliminated. This will apply to all workers in the CMP industry from non-traditional sources ( NTS ) and China who are applying for or renewing their wp permits.
2重点二:建筑业、海事业、加工业 the employer in the same industry

根据人力部之前的政策,为了更好地满足雇主和工人的需求,2021年11月8日起,建筑、海事、加工业(CMP sectors)转换工作无需原雇主同意的限期,将从之前的准证到期前21-40天内,变成准证到期后的30天内。这项政策将于2022年6月30日停止。


2021年10月1日-2023年12月31日,工作许可证持有者有资格获得Man-Year Entitlement (MYE) 豁免的最低就业期限 (POE) 要求将被取消。这将适用于 CMP 行业所有来自非传统来源 ( NTS ) 和中国的正在申请或更新wp准证的工人。 more than 20 days before the expiry date of the wp work permit. 
3 重点三:同行业雇主同意情况下换工作 which one is suitable for you?


wp工作准证到期前 20 天以上,公司可以继续使用WP Online 雇用现有的工作许可证持有人。 five categories.ProfessionalsSkilled and semi-skilled workers

Student work and internship visas

Family visas

Exceptional work on a visitor visa

Since 3, 4 and 5 are basically short-term and non-renewable types of work visas, we will focus on the first two types of work visas that are more widely available.

Professionals (Professionals) can be divided into three subdivisions: Employment Pass (EP), Entrepreneurial Pass (EP), and Personalized Employment Pass (PEP).

新加坡常见的工作准证,您适合哪种? Employment Pass is divided into the Self-Employment Pass (SEP) and the General Employment Pass (GEP).

The difference between the two is that if the applicant owns shares in the company and applies as a shareholder, he/she is a self-employed employment pass, and if the applicant applies as an employee, he/she is a regular employment pass.

Employment Pass (EP)
在新加坡,除了本地居民(SC)和永久居民(PR),外国人一定要有准证才能在新加坡长待 “Quota” (Quota) and without the need to pay “head tax “ .EP is also the visa type most often granted to recent undergraduate and master’s students aged 25 and below 


1. 专业人士
2. 熟练和半熟练工人
3. 学生工作与实习签证
4. 家属签证
5. 持访问签证时的例外工作 at least $5,000 per month for applicants with a bachelor’s degree or above and local experience and background in Singapore will be easier to obtain.The EP requires a company with a formal commercial lease (the company must employ 2-3 local employees and have proof of CPF payment) as a guarantor, i.e. changing jobs will lead to the expiration of the existing EP and a new application will be required.

Entrepreneurial Pass(EntrePass)
The Entrepreneurial Pass, also known as the Business Entry Permit, is a work permit for foreign entrepreneurs 专业人士(Professionals)可分为 就业准证(EP)、创业准证(EP)、个性化就业准证(PEP)三个下属分支: for 2 years after approval.
Personalized Employment Pass(PEP)

根据申请者在公司身份的不同,就业准证分为自雇就业准证和普通的就业准证。 at least $12,000 per month (for EP holders) and $18,000 per month 

二者的区别是:如果申请者拥有公司股份并以股东身份申请即为自雇就业准证,如果申请者以员工身份申请即为普通的就业准证。 for 3 years and is non-renewable; even if you change jobs during the validity of the PEP permit, you do not need to reapply for the permit, you just need to notify the Ministry of Manpower.With this pass, you can stay in Singapore for 6 months if you are not working in order to find a job opportunity.


Employment Pass俗称EP,是新加坡政府为吸引高学历的外国专业人士提供的工作准证,其最低学历要求是本科,公司无需要占用公司的 “配额” (Quota),也无需缴纳 “人头税” 。 at least $2,500 per month 

Work Permit
其主要特点为不需要外劳税或配额,但对于申请人的最低薪资有较高要求,至少月薪为$5,000以上,具有本科或以上学历新加坡本地经验和背景的申请人会更容易获得。 not more than S$1,800 

且EP需要有正规商业租赁合同的公司(公司须雇佣2-3名本地员工,并且有公积金(CPF)缴纳证明)作为担保人,即更换工作会导致现有EP的失效,则需要重新申请。 only work in the specified occupation 

To be provided by the employer
Company’s business records / business informationLetter of Acceptance / Employment ContractPassport page of the employeeProof of academic qualifications of the employee


Passport informationAddress and contact details in SingaporeAddress for receiving Work Pass CardAuthorized person’s personal information and contact details



S Pass





Work Permit a Singapore work visa includes
Employee finds a job in SingaporeEmployer submits applicationPayment of application processing feeReceive an In-Principle Approval (IPA) or In-Principle Refusal letter



  • 公司的商業檔案/業務資料
  • 錄取信/工作合約
  • 僱員的護照頁
  • 僱員的學歷證明


  • 護照資料
  • 在新加坡的住址和聯絡方式
  • 收取Work Pass卡的地址
  • 獲授權人的個人資料及聯絡方式
  • 入境蓋印
  • 醫療保險詳情(S Pass)
  • 工傷保險詳情(S Pass)
  • 體檢報告(如適用)
  • 公司HR聲明信(如適用)


Other Important Considerations
  • 员工在新加坡找到工作
  • 雇主提交申请
  • 支付申请手续费
  • 收到原则上批准 (IPA) 或原则上拒绝信
  • 持 IPA 信函前往新加坡
  • 办理新加坡工作签证
  • 缴纳通行证费
  • 在发放通行证时收到通知信
  • 在就业通行证服务中心 (EPSC) 登记
want to bring their family members 其他重要考虑因素 at least $4,500 per month

1、您的一些员工可能想带家人一起来新加坡。某些专业和技术工人可以通过家属通行证携近亲家属,如已婚配偶和 21 岁以下的子女进入新加坡。不符合家属通行证申请资格的家庭成员需要申请长期探访通行证 (LTVP)。 raised to $5,000 

2、新加坡为外籍员工设定了最低合格工资门槛。就业通行证的候选人的月工资至少达到 4,500 美元。新加坡宣布最低将提高到$5,000 在 2022 年 9 月. 金融服务部门设有单独的门槛,目前设定为每月 5,000 美元,今年晚些时候将提高到 5,500 美元。 raised to $5,500 later this year.


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