
We compare the incorporation requirements of the two jurisdictions below:

就劳动力的素质而言,香港的雇员通常接受英语教育,但他们在日常生活中更习惯说他们的主要语言——广东话或普通话。因此,如果你想把市场集中在邻近的国家,如台湾和中国,香港劳工是一个理想的选择。 two government authorities responsible for the formulation and deception of most of the statutory requirements governing local companies: Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) – national companies registries where to file annual return, and Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) – national tax authority where to file ECI and annual tax return.
在新加坡,当地和外国大学都有大量受过高等教育和训练有素的雇员。除了英语,新加坡人还可以使用其他三种语言,即华语、马来语和泰米尔语进行公平的交流。更不用说大多数人都能流利地说两种语言。新加坡以构建精确的知识和各种平台的国际中心而闻名,吸引了世界上最优秀的人才流入它的行业。CR) and the Inland Revenue Department (IRD).

Each of them who meet the qualification above can start setting up company or be employed under different types of work pass subject to their respective criteria such as EntrePass (Entrepreneur Pass – a word pass permits entrepreneurs who want to start and operate a new business in Singapore) or Employment Pass.
Turning to Hong Kong, nationals of about 170 countries and territories are allowed visa-free visits to this destination for periods ranging from 7 to 180 days. Short-term visitors are allowed to enter Hong Kong on a visitor visa to conduct their business negotiations and sign contracts.
Besides, the government has also introduced appropriate work visa provisions, to cater to the needs of entrepreneurs who may wish to relocate to Hong Kong to run their business or who may want to hire foreign professional employees to work in their company, or those who would like to move to the country for lawful employment purpose.
Wise investors or entrepreneurs will always spend their time evaluating the cost of living before going to final decisions in the incorporating process. ECA Internationals rank in 2019 shows that Hong Kong is ranked as the most expensive city in Asia and fourth in the world. Thus, expatriates have recently preferred Singapore as their destination over Hong Kong.
If you are looking for housing in these jurisdictions, the rental for an apartment in is more expensive than in Singapore, about 47% higher, according to CBREs fifth annual Global Living Report released in April 2019. In regard to education cost, it can be found that tuition fees for children at international schools are lower in Singapore. On the other hand, Hong Kong has been announced to have increased the fee. For those who are seeking domestic help, the costs that related to food and health care are slightly cheaper in Singapore.