“上海自贸试验区临港新片区要进行更深层次、更宽领域、更大力度的全方位高水平开放,努力成为集聚海内外人才开展国际创新协同的重要基地”。临港新片区自2019年8月揭牌以来持续不断探索更加开放的人才政策,最大力度地吸引、服务各层次人才来新片区工作和生活,努力打造“全球人才创新创业首选地”。在2022新年开始之际,为进一步促进临港新片区人才集聚,吸引全球人才来沪,来港创新创业,实现各类人才在新片区各展其才、各尽其用,打造创新活力迸发的海内外人才高地,特举办“2022 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区国际人才创新创业推介会”。
01 活动时间
2022/1/14 (星期五) 9:00-16:00 foreign investor cannot establish more than two joint ventures to manufacture the same types of vehicle in China.The negative lists also level the playing field for foreign and domestic investors operating in the field of radio and television equipment manufacturing, lifting the restrictions on foreign investment in satellite television broadcasting ground receiving facilities and the production of key components.In addition, there will be no restrictions on foreign investment in the manufacturing sectors in Pilot Free Trade Zones.

Further relaxing of service sectors in the FTZsRestrictions on foreign investment in the field of market research have now been lifted. However, radio and television rating surveys must still be controlled by the Chinese party.Foreign investors will now also be allowed to invest in the field of social surveys, but the Chinese shareholding ratio can be no less than 67%, and the legal representative must be a Chinese national.More detailed explanatory notesThe negative lists were released alongside explanatory notes, which, among other things, clarify restrictions on Chinese companies that are operating in fields that are restricted from receiving foreign capital.The notes explain that Chinese companies engaged in one of the fields prohibited from receiving foreign investment must undergo a review and approval process by the government before they can list on a stock market overseas.
13:00-14:00临港外籍人才政策 overseas listing and financing of these domestic enterprises.
14:00-15:00答疑与互动 must comply with the relevant provisions of the Negative Lists for investing in China, in accordance with the Regulations for the Implementation of the Foreign Investment Law.

A thorough comparison of the 2020 National Negative List and the 2021 National Negative List can be found below.
FTZ Negative List can be found below.

China’s foreign investment landscape is changing. With rising labor wages and other manufacturing costs, more investors are starting to cast their eyes on China’s huge market base and high-end manufacturing capabilities. The liberalization facilitated by the 2021 new negative lists will accelerate this trend.The new lists also signal a new level of market opening 1. 获得临港新片区政策汇编一份2. 免费参观临港新片区展厅和留创园3. 获得优先入驻临港新片区留创园的资格
4. 主办方免费提供的精美礼品包5. 免费的接驳车,午餐和下午茶
05 报名信息

///▪ 指导单位中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区管理委员会▪ 主办单位中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区留学人员创业园▪ 支持单位上海市欧美同学会临港新片区分会临港新片区移民事务服务中心(筹)临港新片区海洋创新园园区团工委▪ 招商机构香港鼎烁实业控股有限公司