

Apply for China Visa in Your Country

Step 1. Find out if you need a visa


二、股权转让流程为两步:一步税务股权变更 ,二步工商股权变更。


1 公司股权变更应提交什么材料?












2 股权转让协议,有没有指定的公证处?Issued to an applicant who goes to China for sightseeing purposes, to visit family members or friends, or for other personal affairs.

M (business visa)没有指定的公证处,外地的公证处也可以办理。

Issued to an applicant who is invited to China for an exchange, visit, study tour, and other activities.

Z (work visa)不需要。

4 股东可否无偿转让股权?股东原价或低价转让,如何纳税?
Issued to an applicant who intends to study in China.

G (transit visa)可以,股权转让价格由双方协商。

5 股东能否单方面将所有的公司股份转让给第三方?
Issued to crew members on international aviation, navigation, and land transportation missions, and to family members accompanying them.

D (resident visa)不可以。

J-1 is issued to foreign resident correspondents in China;J-2 is issued to foreign correspondents on temporary interview missions in China.

R (talent visa)没有限制,可视股东的意愿,可以是部分或全部股权转让。

Issued to family members of foreigners residing in China for work, study, etc.

Q (family reunion visa)税务机关核定后处理,看是否属于低价或者规避税收行为后决定处理。







In some countries such as UK you should complete an online form. On the form, you might find an item “Serial number of invitation letter of the authorized organization”, you may skip this item if you don’t have an invitation letter, or the invitation letter is not of this type.)

✅A recent passport-type photograph (head and shoulders only, front view, with a white background, approximately 48mmx33mm)

Along with the aforementioned generally required documents, several additional documents are required depending upon the type of China visa applied for.

9 股权转让后,应作哪些变更记载?


You may submit the application to the Visa Office at Chinese embassies or consulates, or China Visa Application Service Centers (also called CVASC) if they are operating in your country.

Starting from 2018, visa applicants from more and more countries (including the U.S., the UK, and Canada) have to make their visa application in person and have their fingerprints collected.

The regular service processing time is 4 days, and the rushed service takes1 day. The latter is only available in extreme emergencies pending a consular officer’s approval.

10 公司办理股权转让,股东会的决议是否存在有效期?


11 内资公司的股东能否将股权转让给香港人?



12 某外商投资公司的法人股东被吊销执照,如何办理该公司股权转让?


13 工商股权变更需要哪些资料呢?







The fees vary enormously depending on your nationality and number of entries. 

Apply for China Visa in a Third Country

While it is possible to apply for Chinese visa outside home country, you may run into more difficulties compared with applying from your own country. 

Some consular offices do not accept applications from temporary visitors in the country concerned. In some cases having a visa for that country is considered OK, but this might be of no help if you are in a country where you do not require one.

There is no simple answer to this issue, nor is it clear exactly why this rule exists. The first option is to try at every Chinese consulate en route in the hope that one will grant you a China visa. Some people may courier passport and application to a friend or agent in their own country to apply for China visa, but this will be in vain because the applicant is required to be physically in the application country.

Requirements for Applying China Visa in a Third Country

✅Passport with a remaining validity of six months and blank visa pages

✅A completed China Visa Application Form

✅A 48mm x 33mm recent color photo

✅Proof of legal stay or residency in the third country, which can be your visa, residence permit, student certificate or employment permit in the country

✅Other documents supporting your reason for the intended travel, such as travel itinerary, round-trip tickets, or an invitation letter from a China travel agency

Apply for China Visa in Hong Kong

Am I able to apply for a China visa from Hong Kong? This is a frequently asked question in many forums pertaining to China visas. 

Actually, in most cases, one is expected to apply for a Chinese visa in his home country, but if you are travelling abroad or live in China, Hong Kong will be an ideal place to apply for a China visa.

Before making the application, you had better do some research on China’s visa exemption policies, especially the 72- and 144-hour visa-free transit schemes to see if you can avoid the hassle of getting a Chinese visa. If you still need one, then proceed with the application.

Which Types of Visa Can I Get in Hong Kong?

The tourist visa (L), business visa (M), work visa (Z), student visa (X) and many other types of China visa can be applied in Hong Kong.

Documents Needed for China Visa Application in Hong Kong

✅A valid passport with at least six months of remaining validity and photocopy of your personal particulars page.

✅If you are a Hong Kong resident, provide your Hong Kong ID card; if not, you need to have a copy of the Hong Kong entry stamp on your passport or a visa of Hong Kong.

✅An application form of the current version. 

Two ways to get this form: 

1. Download the Chinese Visa Application Form and complete it on your computer, then print it out. 

2. Complete the online application form on the website of the China Visa Office Hong Kong and get a printout of it.

✅A passport size photo. There is a booth at the China Visa Application Service Center offering the photo service at a certain charge.

Documents showing your travel purpose, such as a travel itinerary, round-trip transportation arrangements, and hotel reservations. Note that if you are traveling to Guangdong Province, the transportation proof is usually not required.


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