2020年6月1日,中共中央、国务院印发了《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》(以下简称“《总体方案》”),支持海南逐步探索、稳步推进中国特色自由贸易港建设,分步骤、分阶段建立自由贸易港政策和制度体系。 法律允许 是不是一个容易的工作。
As we all know, 60 scores standard, is a vital standard to apply for B type work permit根据《总体方案》确定的总体目标,海南省内将在2025年初步建立以贸易自由便利化和投资自由便利化为重点的自由贸易港政策制度体系;到2035年实现营商环境更加优化,法律法规体系更加健全,风险防控体系更加严密,现代社会治理格局基本形成,成为我国开放型经济新高地;到本世纪中叶,将全面建成具有较强国际影响力的高水平自由贸易港。
Simon had two years working experiences in China but was not equipped with a qualified bachelor degree, thus he was unable to reach 60 points requirement.
Thanks for his new employer Company A belonging to Lingang developed area, Simon could be approved and got the work permit as he was regarded as an urgent needed skilled worker and enjoyed the preferential policy that relaxes the restriction on age, education background and work experience limitation.

preferential work chances to attract foreign talents.
Support for foreign talents in the field of Hign TechFor foreign talents employed by Technology and Innovation Company registered in Lingang New Area and those who is senior technician or worker in the urgent needed talent list for industry develoment could enjoy a relaxing restriction on age, education background and work experience, and be granted a over 2-year work permit.Relaxing restrictions on work permit conditions for foreign talents of entrepreneurshipFor foreign talents who invest or start up new businesses in Lingang New District, the restrictions on age, education background and work experience can be appropriately relaxedwhen applying for work permits for foreigners in China for the first time after the establishment of enterprises in accordance with the law.Opening up a “green channel” for foreign talents’ work permitThe foreign technological innovation leading talents and the main foreign members of the team who undertake major national and municipal projects can be recognized as foreign high-end talents and enjoy the relevant treatment of foreign high-end talents in the city.Bonus for foreigners to work in China and foreign talent visaFor the foreign talents employed in Lingang New District, the administrative committee of Lingang New District, after confirmation and recommendation, can be regarded as the points for foreigners to work in China and foreign talents visa, which involves local incentive bonus points, and can be given an additional bonus of up to .Recommending key enterprises to be included in “Shanghai Science and technology innovation occupation listAccording to the layout of key industries, the Management Committee of Lingang New District can recommend the key scientific and technological innovation units in the district to be included in the “Shanghai Scientific and technological innovation occupation list”. Only foreigners employed by the employers in the list who hold senior management or technical positions can enjoy the relevant convenience of handling work permits.For detailed interpretations of Lingang’s other policies, various employment and entrepreneurship subsidies, visas, etc..You can follow our WeChat official account Elitestage or contact our consultant.