During the epidemic period, China’s temporary visa policy is updated from time to time. Is the PU letter still the key point for foreigners to coming to China? This article will give you the answer.
Ⅰ. No PU letter is required for sino-vaccine.
今年3月,中国发布了《关于已接种中国生产的新冠肺炎疫苗人员来华提供签证便利的通知》,对已接种中国生产的新冠肺炎疫苗并持疫苗接种证明材料的签证申请人提供便利,申请资格包括赴华从事各领域复工复产的外籍人员及其家属及适度扩大因“紧急人道主义需要”赴华人员等。 Invitation Letter (PU&TE) Invitation Verification Notice issued by the foreign affairs offices or the departments of commerce of the provincial governments or the headquarters of state-owned enterprises areno longer required.
- 赴华从事各领域复工复产活动的外籍人员及其家属,可按照新冠疫情前的要求准备材料并递交申请,即无需提供省级外事、商务部门或央企的《邀请函(PU)》、《邀请函(TE)》及《邀请核实单》。
- 适度扩大因“紧急人道主义需要”赴华人员签证审发范围。适用人群为中国公民或永久居民的外籍家庭成员,包括配偶、父母、子女和其他共同生活的近亲属。赴华事由包括家庭团聚、赡养、探亲、来华奔丧或探望危重病亲属。
- 持有效APEC商务旅行卡人员,可凭有效APEC商务旅行卡及中国内地邀请单位出具的邀请函,申请办理商贸类签证。
持有效中国工作类、私人事务类和 团聚类居留许可无需提供《邀请函(PU)》
如果目前申请人所在国家尚未能引进中国疫苗,那么申请签证的政策以2020年9月23日,外交部、国家移民管理局发布《关于允许持三类有效居留许可外国人入境的公告》为准。其中指出,自2020年9月28日0时起,允许持有效中国工作类、私人事务类和团聚类居留许可的外国人入境,相关人员无需重新申办签证。如外国人持有的上述三类居留许可于2020年3月28日0时后过期,持有人在来华事由不变的情况下,可凭过期居留许可和有关材料向中国驻外使领馆申办相应签证入境。如以上两个条件皆不符合, 则很大程度上需要申请《邀请函(PU)》
申请PU Letter
. 最后,签证申请具体到个人案例还是较为复杂,下面整理的思维导图希望可以帮到大家 (点击查看大图)Ⅱ. Foreigners holding valid Chinese residence permits for the purpose of work, personal matters and reunion do not need apply for PU letter.
If the country where the applicant is located does not yet have Chinese vaccines, the policy for applying for a visa is based on the “Announcement on Entry by Foreign Nationals Holding Valid Chinese Residence Permits of Three Categories” issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Immigration Administration.
Effective from 28 September 2020, foreign nationals holding valid Chinese residence permits for work, personal matters and reunion are allowed to enter China with no need for applying for new visas.
If the above three categories of residence permits held by foreign nationals expired after 28 March 2020, the holders may apply for relevant visas by presenting the expired residence permits and relevant materials to the Chinese embassies or consulates on the condition that the purpose of the holders’ visit to China remains unchanged.
Ⅲ. If neither of the above two conditions are met, It is very likely required to apply for PU letter.
In fact, many foreign friends cannot get the Chinese vaccine and their residence permit expires before March 28, 2020, so after contacting the local Embassy / Consulate, they still required to provide the PU letter.
According to our experience, when applying for PU Letter, the time period is long, the approval conditions are strict, and the procedures are complicated.