Still, it’s a tough task to replace Hong Kong’s major position. Consider that:In 2019, the World Economic Forum (WEF) rated Hong Kong as having the world’s top financial system, well ahead of its nearest competitor, the U.S., in the Global Competitiveness Report.Strict pandemic management means that Hong Kong has experienced very low Covid infection rates, avoided lockdowns and remained largely open for business over the last ten months. Few other large cities can say the same, whether in Asia or globally.由于这7个因素,香港在 2022 年仍是亚洲国际贸易的领头羊。 110,000 new Hong Kong companies in 2021.
Here are seven reasons why, in my view, Hong Kong is still a top spot for international commerce in 2022:

在香港设立离岸公司通常可以在 7 天内完成,而不是几周或几个月。除了节省时间外,申请和文件要求也很简单,对海外董事或股东没有任何限制:在香港开设公司甚至不需要亲自到场。
它不仅节省时间和精力,而且在香港注册成立是一个具有成本效益的选择——没有最低股本要求,许多公司以 1 美元的股本开办。 within seven days — not weeks or months. As well as time saved, the application and documentation requirements are straightforward, with no restrictions on overseas directors or shareholders: It is not even a requirement to be physically present to open a company in Hong Kong.Not only does it save time and effort, incorporation in Hong Kong is a cost-effective option — there are no minimum-share capital requirements, with many companies being opened with $1 share capital. 香港的企业所得税为 16.5%。香港的企业和个人所得税率一直很低。然而,随着新的全球 15% 的最低企业税率即将生效,香港现在将成为全球企业所得税税率最低的国家之一。 16.5 percent个人所得税也很低——从 2% 到 17%。这使得香港成为国际企业的外籍员工的一个有吸引力的地方,与其他地方相比,他们带回家的薪水比例要大得多。 two to 17 percent. This makes Hong Kong an attractive location for expat employees of international businesses, who take home a much larger proportion of their pay packet compared to elsewhere.Hong Kong does not apply indirect taxes, such as a value-added tax (VAT) or goods and services tax (GST).
香港公司的董事不必是自然人(即真实的):香港允许外国公司自己成为香港公司的董事。这使得国际企业和企业家可以直接和控制他们的香港公司,而无需在任何公共记录中显示个人身份。可以任命一名名义董事代表外国公司行事,并可以对所有个人信息保密。 keep all personal information confidential
香港是一个自由港,这意味着它不征收任何进出口关税。香港在与中国大陆和更广阔的世界的贸易安排方面也独树一帜。香港与中国内地之间有一个自由贸易区(《关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》(CEPA))。香港与多个其他发达经济体,包括澳洲、新西兰、东盟成员国及欧洲自由贸易联盟成员国亦有自由贸易协定。除了降低开展业务的直接成本外,这还大大减少了相关的表格填写和业务繁文缛节。 在我们互联的世界中,以多种货币工作对于雄心勃勃的企业来说几乎是不可避免的。香港没有外汇管制,因此可以不受政府限制在全球范围内进行付款和收款。 all-but-inevitable for ambitious businesses香港还让在一系列官方场合使用外币变得简单。例如,公司股本可以任何主要货币支付,而不仅仅是港元。
作为国际金融和投资的中心,香港不乏支付服务和解决方案,以更好地管理您的资金:设置和访问多币种商业账户轻而易举,在进行多币种交易时节省大量货币兑换费用. Hong Kong has no shortage of payment services
香港是世界上为数不多的全球城市之一,与纽约、伦敦和巴黎等城市并列。拥有数百年历史的商业中心声誉,国际企业信任在香港注册成立的公司作为他们的合作伙伴和客户。虽然他们的前景正在改善,但对于位于亚洲其他地区(如印度尼西亚、菲律宾或泰国)的公司来说,情况并非如此。因此,亚洲其他地区的许多企业选择在香港成立子公司以开展国际业务。 global cities, standing alongside the likes of New York, London and Paris. With a centuries-old reputation as a business hub, international businesses trust companies incorporated in Hong Kong as their partners and clients.While their prospects are improving, the same cannot be said for companies based in other parts of Asia such as Indonesia, the Philippines or Thailand. For this reason, many businesses from elsewhere in Asia choose to incorporate a subsidiary in Hong Kong to carry out their international business.