

The Registrar of Companies, Ms Kitty Tsui, said, “To meet the rising expectations and changing needs of businesses and the public, the Registry has extended its electronic submission services since June 27, 2022 to facilitate delivery of documents in electronic form to the Registry. The Registry will continue to strive for increasing efficiency and quality in the delivery of services.” Currently, a total of 43 newly covered documents can be delivered electronically through the e-Registry portal of the Registry or GovHK.Phase 2 of the new inspection regime of the Companies Register under the Companies Ordinance will take place on October 24, 2022. Sensitive personal information on the Index of Directors on the Companies Register and newly delivered documents will be protected. The Registry has revised 26 specified forms which pertain to the reporting of the above sensitive personal information and published the same in the Gazette on June 24, 2022. These revised forms should be used upon the implementation of Phase 2 of the new inspection regime.

In the first half of 2022, 415 non-Hong Kong companies have newly established a place of business in Hong Kong and were registered under the Companies Ordinance. The total number of registered non-Hong Kong companies reached 14,481 by the end of June 2022.The number of charges on properties of companies received for registration in the first half of 2022 was 9,154. The number of notifications of payments and releases received for registration in the first half of 2022 was 9,654.

Elite Stage在总结归纳如下几点:



Reduction of Levy Rate of Business Registration for Companies
二、商业登记证的有效期 商业登记证的有效期一般是一年,也可以申请三年有效期的商业登记证。
 reduced from $250 per annum to $150 per annum.  The new levy rate applies to incorporation applications lodged on or after 17 June 2022 under the One-stop Company Incorporation and Business Registration Service.  For registration of non-Hong Kong companies, the new levy rate applies to business registration certificates with the date of commencement on or after 17 June 2022.
Regarding the Hong Kong company business registration certificate, Elite Stage summarizes the following points:
三、换领商业登记证 商业登记署在商业登记证有效期满前一个月发出商业登记缴款通知书,若付款,则换发新的商业登记。若在商业登记证有效期后一个月尚未缴款,需缴纳罚款。
 must pay the registration fee and receive a business registration certificate.
Validity period of business registration certificate
四、商业登记证变更 若公司变更注册地址、公司名称、股东、经营范围等,需在变更后一个月内向商业登记署提出变更商业登记证。
 one year, and a business registration certificate valid for three years can also be applied for.
Renewing the Business Registration Certificate
五、注销商业登记证 若公司需要注销,则在注册证书注销后一个月内,注销商业登记证。
 business registration payment notic  one month before the expiration of the business registration certificate. If payment is made, a new business registration will be issued. If the payment is not made within one month after the validity of the business registration certificate, a penalty will be charged.
Change of business registration certificate

 submit a change of business registration certificate to the Business Registration Office within one month after the change.
Cancellation of business registration certificate

If the company needs to be cancelled, the business registration certificate shall be cancelled within one month after the cancellation of the registration certificate.
Elite Stage咨询机构拥有十余年投资经验,和专业的国际团队,丰富的行业经验和广泛的社会商业资源,为本地及海外客户提供一站式离岸投资服务,例如跨境架构、外汇备案、会计记账、税务申报、本地银行、商务中心、家族办公室等。如果您个人或企业有相关的打算,欢迎联系我们!

With over 10 years of experience, Elite Stag has always been focusing on providing companies with professional one-stop offshore corporate services, covering domestic and foreign company structure consulting, cross-border accounting and tax planning, special permits application, HR outsourcing and Visa services as well as preferential benefits application, etc.


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