
今日、多くの投資家や起業家は、特に香港のような管轄区域で、海外で事業を立ち上げることを選択しています。 この傾向の背後にある原動力は、主に国際市場への参入を促進し、税制上の管轄区域から利益を得ることにあります。
1. Politically stable with supportive policy
香港は、一帯一路イニシアチブと広東-香港-マカオ湾地域の開発から生じる機会を積極的かつ全体的に活用します。 2020-21年度予算カバーで発表された主要なイニシアチブ:
√ Extend coverage of Technology Talent Admission Scheme to new technology areas.
√ Inject $500 million into Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund.
√ lnject $1 billion into the BUD Fund scheme and increase the funding limit to $2 million for enterprises under the Mainland Programme and Free Trade Agreement Programme.
√ Inject $1 billion into the Export Marketing and Industrial Organization Support Fund.
√ Offer tax concessions for ship lessors and leasing managers.
√ Enhance the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme:Free flow of informationStrict anti-corruption regime
2. Skilled Workforce
√ Highly-trained, well-educated and skilled workforce
√ Proficient at international business culture
√ In addition to their fluency in English, the workforce can also speak Cantonese and Mandarin
3. Open Business Environment with Easy Start
√ World’s most competitive economy with excellent business and financial infrastructure
√Company incorporation in a very short time
√ No restrictions on business scope and foreign ownership
√ Extensive international transportation hub
4. Simple, Low & Competitive Tax System
√ Corporate profits tax for the first HK$2 million of profit is 8.25% and that above HK$2 million is 16.5%; Salaries tax in progressive rate from 2% to 17%
√ Exemption for offshore income , no sales tax or VAT
√ Only three direct taxes are levied and the generous allowances and deductions can reduce the taxable amount
√ No withholding tax on dividends and interest and no capital gains tax
5. Premier Business Hub with Free Trade and Free Market Economy
√Free port (major free trades and free markets)
√ No restrictions on investment ,no foreign exchange control
√A leading financial center
√ Direct handling of RMB by banks for cross-border trade
√Qualified goods of HK origin can be exported to the Mainland China with no tariff levied
6. Sound Legal Environment
√ Independent legal system
√ English common law
√ Intellectual property protection in force, as well as complete regulations in patents, copyrights, trademarks and registered designs
√ It is required to have the company name approved by the Hong Kong Companies Registry to avoid repetition.
√ Can be both in English and Chinese or in English only.
√ Get every possible name and check its availability
Companies Ordinance
With the amendment, taking effect on 1st March 2018, every company incorporated in Hong Kong, except for that listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE), will be required to create and maintain a register of all persons who have significant control over the company.
Every company shall appoint a Designated Representative (DR) responsible for reporting in related to SCR to prescribed local authorities as demanded.
√ There is no limit for the number of directors, at least one of whom shall be natural person
√ A local or overseas corporate entity can act as one of the directors
√ No Hong Kong residency requirement
√A Director can also be a shareholder
√ The appointment of nominee director is permitted
√ A Hong Kong private limited company can have a minimum of 1 and maximum of 50 shareholders
√There is no residency requirement for shareholders. A director can also be a shareholder.
√ Any shareholder shall be at least 18 years old but can be from any country. The shareholder can be a person or a company
√100% local or foreign share is allowed.
√ The appointment of nominee shareholder is permitted
√ The shareholder meeting can be held anywhere
√ Appointing a company secretary is mandatory
√ The secretary, when being acted by an individual, shall ordinarily reside in Hong Kong; the secretary, when being acted by a body corporate, shall have its registered office or a place of business in Hong Kong. It has to be noted that, when it comes to a sole director/shareholder, the same person cannot act as the company secretary.
√ The company secretary shall maintain the statutory books and records of the company, and guarantee the company’s compliance with all statutory requirements. A nominee secretary can be appointed.
Although there is no minimum share capital requirement, the general form for HK companies is to have at least one shareholder with one ordinary share issued on their formation.
Share capital can be expressed in any major currency and is not restricted to the Hong Kong Dollar alone. Shares can be freely transferred, subject to stamp duty fee. Bearer shares are not allowed.
√ To register a Hong Kong company, you shall provide a local Hong Kong address as the registered address of the company
√ The registered address shall be a physical address and shall not be a PO Box address
√ Corporate tax, (or profits tax as it is called), is set at 16.5% of assessable profits for companies set up in Hong Kong. Hong Kong follows a territorial basis of taxation, that is, only profits which arise in or derived from Hong Kong, are subject to tax in Hong Kong.
√There is no capital gains tax, withholding tax on dividends, or VAT in Hong Kong. For more details on corporate taxes, please refer to Hong Kong Corporate Tax guide.
企業はアカウントを作成して維持することが義務付けられています。 アカウントは、香港の公認会計士によって毎年監査されるものとします。 監査済みの会計は、納税申告書とともに、毎年内国歳入局に提出されるものとします。
すべての企業は、Companies Registryに年次報告書を提出し、年次登録料を支払う必要があります。 事業者登録証明書は、有効期限の1か月前に毎年、または場合によっては3年に1回更新されるものとします。 年次総会(AGM)は、まさに暦年に開催されます。
The AGM shall be held within 18 months of the date of incorporation, after which no more than 15 months can elapse between one AGM and the next. A written resolution in lieu of Annual General Meeting is permissible. For more details, please refer to Annual Compliance for Hong Kong Companies guide.
1. Individual Investor as Shareholder
証明書の住所の役員及び株主にコピー+オリジナル)の個人名は入の証明には、アドレスの近ヶ月間にできる銀行の声明/水道代電気代/電話料金は/ドライバーライセンスです。 を提供する事ができ、証明書の住所に中国やその他の国にお住まいです。
2. Company Investor as Shareholder
Proof of address of all directors and shareholders (Copy+ Original); the personal name shall be put down on the proof address, which, within the recent three months, can be bank statement/water bill/electricity bill/phone bill/driver license. You can provide the proof of address in China or in any other country where you live.
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