SG Ministry of Manpower: New Changes to Work Permit Applications

Student work and internship visas
Family visas
Exceptional work on a visitor visa
Since 3, 4 and 5 are basically short-term and non-renewable types of work visas, we will focus on the first two types of work visas that are more widely available.
Professionals (Professionals) can be divided into three subdivisions: Employment Pass (EP), Entrepreneurial Pass (EP), and Personalized Employment Pass (PEP).
Depending on the applicant’s status in the company, the Employment Pass is divided into the Self-Employment Pass (SEP) and the General Employment Pass (GEP).
The difference between the two is that if the applicant owns shares in the company and applies as a shareholder, he/she is a self-employed employment pass, and if the applicant applies as an employee, he/she is a regular employment pass.

Entry Stamp
Medical Insurance Details (S Pass)
Worker’s compensation insurance details (S Pass)
Medical Examination Report (if applicable)
Company HR Declaration Letter (if applicable)
Travel to Singapore with IPA letter
Apply for Singapore Work Visa
Pay pass fee
Receive notification letter upon issuance of pass
Register at the Employment Pass Service Centre (EPSC)