Understanding CPF &SDL as An Employer in
SINGAPORE Singapore is one of the business centers in Asia due to its geographical location, politics and culture. However, as
No More Gender Restrictions for Singaporean
Singapore’s paternity policy has always been a major concern for parents. In the past, only female relatives such as mothers, grandmothers
Tax Risks for Foreign Expatriates in China
After the epidemic, as China lifted travel restrictions, many foreigners restarted their plans to return home. Many of them only
China – Visa Exemption Policy Extension to 12
To further promote cross-border exchange, China has decided to extend the short-stay visa-exemption policy for citizens of 12 countries, namely Malaysia, France,
Hainan to Adopt World’s Most High-Standard
Hainan THE ESTABLISHMENT OF HAINAN FREE TRADE PORT On 1 June 2020, the CPC Central Committee and The State
How to Open a Bank Account for Foreign Companies
Setting up a company in China’s appealing market may be subject to varied requirements, depending much on the business entity chosen
Income Tax Rate of These 3 Places in Mainland is
Have you got the news that at the end of this year, the previous taxation policy of eight tax
By Early 2022, Borders Might Open If Vaccination
China may open its borders after it vaccinates over 85 percent of its population by early 2022, said Gao Fu,
Social Insurance Exemptions for Expats in China
According to the requirement of The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security,foreign employees are required to participate
Mutual Visa Exemption: People Can Enter China
The official website of the National Immigration Administration replied that those who are currently covered by the mutual visa exemption can
Family Members Can Apply PU Letter Based in
Recently, the Chinese Government implemented heightened application requirements for non-Chinese nationals seeking to obtain Official Invitation (“PU”) Letters sponsored
Long Term Working in China, How to Deal With
Hi, guys In the previous topic on personal income tax in China, we discussed Kevin’s case as the example
How to Do Authentication Abroad for Business Use
With the development of global economy, China becomes one of the most popular place of foreign investments. When overseas
Officially Released: The 2021 Shanghai Foreign
The 2021 Shanghai Foreign Investment Guide (hereinafter referred to as the 2021 Investment Guide), which is compiled by
New Signal: Shanghai May Adopt Green Card Benefits
Have you heard that in the future, Shanghai Pudong District will implement the recommendation mechanism of Foreigner’s Permanent
Green Card Trend: Tips for Reunion of Husband and
Affected by the global epidemic, China’s entry and exit management has become more stringent. Many foreigners have been
Hong Kong & Shanghai– Expand
Several memorandums, an agreement and a letter of intent are inked between Hong Kong and Shanghai during the
Tax-Exempt Fringe Benefits for Expats to Expire
Starting next year, foreigners working in China may no longer be entitled to some tax-free fringe benefits (for
Pudong New Area Issued Fresh Guidelines for
The Pudong New Area in eastern Shanghai recently issued a new set of guidelines widely seen as a blueprint
More Taxpayers to Benefit from Uncredited VAT
On April 28, 2021, China’s Ministry of Finance (MOF) and State Taxation Administration (STA) released the Announcement on Clarifying
How to Comply with Hong Kong Accounting Standards?
As a Hong Kong business entity, your company must prepare audited financial statements on an annual basis. Please make
Comfirmed!The Passport Application&Renewals
Affected by the Covid-19 pandemic with more dangerous Delta variant virus, China has stopped issuing and renewing passports
China’s E-Fapiao System at a Glance
Over the last few months, China has been quickly expanding the pilot program on electronic special value-added tax
Speech Sharing: Tax Issues after Foreigners
At the beginning of June, Elitestage invited tax expert Eve Yu to share a speech on the personal income tax
With This Tool, 3 Minutes Nail the Company Names?!
With the continuous development of the economy, more and more foreigners want to start their own business in China. It’s also
How to Set Up an Offshore Company for 2021: 4
Due to the epidemic, many clients are faced with a problem that they cannot choose which place is more suitable for them to set up an
Applying for Chinese Visa, Is the PU Letter Still
During the epidemic period, China’s temporary visa policy is updated from time to time. Is the PU letter still the key point
Muss diesen Ort kennen, wenn Sie in Übersee sind
Egal, ob Sie ein ausländischer Student oder ein Doktorand sind, wenn Sie in China leben, gibt es einen Ort, den Sie kennen müssen - Shanghai Lingang FTZ. Die Lingang FTZ versucht, sich zu einem Talent-Hub zu entwickeln, indem sie bevorzugte Unterstützungsrichtlinien für internationale Talente veröffentlicht. Einige davon
Machen Sie sich mit den Vorteilen des Generals vertraut
Mehrwertsteuerzahler in China werden in zwei verschiedene Kategorien unterteilt - allgemeine Steuerzahler und kleine Steuerzahler - und die
Keine Zweifel mehr! Fragen und Antworten zu Small-Scale
Wie festgelegt, werden Mehrwertsteuerzahler in China auf der Grundlage der Finanzbuchhaltung und des Umfangs in allgemeine Steuerzahler und kleine Steuerzahler eingeteilt
SH Lingang New Area: Nächste ausländische Talente
Ohne Zweifel ist Shanghai eine der attraktivsten internationalen Städte für ausländische Expats, um zu arbeiten und zu leben
Wie man Hong Kong Offshore-Befreiung von der Körperschaftssteuer?
Hongkong bietet Steuervorteile wie ein einfaches Steuersystem, die Möglichkeit, steuerfreie Gewinne zu erzielen, und niedrige Steuervorteile
Löschung einer Firma, die Früher, desto Besser
Die Kündigung eines Unternehmens ist eigentlich ein sehr häufiger Schritt im Geschäftsbetrieb, aber Menschen, die dies erlebt haben, wissen es
Wie bewerben Sie sich für China Visa?
Planning to visit China, but don’t know how to apply for a China visa? We’re breaking it down for you
Spezielle Richtlinien von Shanghai Lingang für Ausländer
Um den Zweck eines bequemen Betriebs mit Auslandsinvestitionen, freiem Ein- und Ausstieg von Waren zu verwirklichen, muss die
Niedrigerer Körperschaftsteuersatz in Lingang New Area of
Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau released the Circular about Corporate Income Tax Policies for Key Industries at Lingang New Area of
Importieren von Gesichtsmasken aus China: Lieferant,
At present, Covid-19 virus has become the most serious issue worldwide. Countires have been confronted with the rapid growth
Zusammenfassung der Fragen zum automatischen 2-Monats-Visum
In letzter Zeit sind viele Expats zu Elite Stage gekommen, um sich nach Fragen zum Ablauf oder zur Erneuerung von Visa oder Arbeitserlaubnissen zu erkundigen
9 Grundlegende Fakten, die Sie wissen müssen, bevor Sie sich registrieren a
Hong Kong Company Incorporation Heute entscheiden sich viele Investoren und Unternehmer dafür, ihre Geschäfte in Übersee zu gründen, insbesondere in
Steuer- und Gebührensenkungen fördern das BIP-Wachstum
Zusammenfassung China hat im Jahr 2019 mehr als 2 Billionen Yuan (286,89 Milliarden US-Dollar) an Steuer- und Gebühreneinsparungen eingespart
In welchem Zustand sollten Ausländer einreichen?
Wir freuen uns, dass der Ausbruch des neuen Coronavirus nun effektiv unter Kontrolle ist und viele Unternehmen wieder in den USA zurückkehren
Business Opportunities for German Investors in
Germany and China established diplomatic relations almost 50 years ago and, since then, have become partners, both economically and
Q&A about Company Registration for Most
When dealing with international clients we often get questions about the term ‘legal person’and ‘supervisor’ and other key roles.
More Friendly to FDI, Shenzhen Implements New
On March 1, 2021, the new Rules of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Commercial Registration (the “Rules”) took effect. The
Neu aktualisiert 3 Möglichkeiten, um ein Visum zurück nach China zu bekommen!
Ausländern wird geraten, nicht zu reisen, es sei denn, dies ist während der Covid-19-Pandemie notwendig oder dringend. Wenn Sie brauchen
Welche Informationen sind in den Chinesen enthalten?
Für ausländische Freunde, die ein Unternehmen in China registrieren möchten, sollten Sie zunächst wissen, welche Informationen enthalten sind
What’s the Qualified Criteria for Getting A
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing travel bans, many foreigners working in China have started to consider applying