Business intelligence is an important part of decision making process when considering market entry into the Asian countries. Elite Stage Asian team can help your business with the strategic direction.
To help global enterprise localize in China,we provide the market research, marketing advisory on multi industry business,assistance including wechat, douyin,weibo and other social media channels, and ICP Certification services.
The Business Intelligence solutions of Elite Stage use the big data tools to clarify specific needs and make informed decisions concerning the best locations and strategy for investment into Asia market.
Which aspects of Business Intelligence do you need help with?
Our market research provide regional comparisons reports based on the public statistics online, and assist for business intelligence for supplier &clients.
1. Supplier&clients business research
2. Cross Country Competitiveness Benchmarking
Our Market Entry Strategy advisor helps companies to choose the suitable economic zone and enjoy the preferential tax and industrial commerce policies for incorporation, and supply chain structure that meets the needs of their local and regional operations.
1. Location and business office analysis
2. ICP Certification
3. Social media Marketing advisory
4. Corporate Structuring Analysis